GREEN AJA. 1961. A study of Tasmanian Oniscoidea (Crustacea: Isopoda). Aust. Zool. 9: 258-365.
Frontal line of cephalon forms only a low ridge, neither drawn out into protuberances nor longitudinally furrowed in mid-line. Second antennae slenderly built with their greater part projecting out from cephalon. Dorsal surface of animal smooth, rugose, or tuberculate, but lacking spines. Posterior borders of lstdth segments of pereion more or less deeply incurved on each side, that of 7th segment straight or shallowly incurved on each side. Posterior angle of 1st epimeron entire, not cleft. If a small lobe is present on under surface of 1st epimeron it is not visible from outer side, and does not form a continuation of epimeral border. If a small lobe is present on under surface of 2nd epimeron it does not project beyond epimeral border. Pronotum occupies from one-fifth to one-quarter length of entire tergite. Terminal segment either constricted in the middle or not constricted; its dorsal surface not keeled; its posterior border bluntly rounded, straight or shallowly incurved, but not deeply incised in mid-line. Pleopods occupy considerably more than one-third breadth of pleon. Exopodites of all pleopods possess pseudotracheae. Breadth of protopodite of uropod, if greater than length of protopodite, is not more than 1.25 times the latter. Length of basal surface of protopodite not more than one-third length of entire protopodite. Inner border of protopodite incurved, but not angularly indented near insertion of exopodite. Outer side of protopodite not produced outwards to form a triangular lobe. Exopodite of uropod varies in length, but if very short (less than half breadth of lobe of protopodite), then free lobe of protopodite, measured on its inner border up as far as lateral indentation of terminal segment, is longer than it is broad across the middle. Exopodite inserted on dorsal surface of protopodite and distinctly removed from inner border of latter. Surface of protopodite not raised posterior to exopodite.
Schmalfuss, H., & Ferrara, F. (1983). Terrestrial Isopods from West Africa: Part 3: Family Armadillidae Verhoeff, 1917. Monitore Zoologico Italiano. Supplemento, 18(1), 111-157.
Flagellum of antenna 2-jointed; normally with five pairs of pseudotracheae (four pairs in Buddelundia), sometimes with Oniscustype respiratory areas or even without respiratory structures (secondary reduction); able to conglobate (except for Australiodillo Verhoeff, 1926); uropod protopodite flattened and situated between sides of telson and epimera of pleon segment 5; uropod exopodite normally not situated terminally on protopodite, very often reduced, in most species not surpassing protopodite, sometimes obsolete; always with two penicils in the inner ramus of maxilla 1; epimera of pereon segment 1 always without sulcus arcuatus; telson often hour-glass-shaped.
The family Armadillidae is well-defined, except perhaps for its separation from the Eubelidae which in some cases is somewhat delicate and not yet satisfactory. Considering the sulcus arcuatus and/or more than two penicils in the maxilla 1 as derived (apomorphic) characters for the Eubelidae s. str. (see FERRARA & ScHMALFUSS, 1976), and the reduced state of the uropod-exopodite as a derived character for the Armadillidae, then the two families can be considered as monophyletic units and thus as « good » systematic categories in a phylogenetic sense. Accepting this argument the only alteration to be made in considering former authors is to move the genus Synarmadillo and allied genera from the Eubelidae to the Armadillidae. As pointed out previously there is really no reason for maintaining this genus in the family Eubelidae.
>狭義のEubelidaeにはsulcus arcuatusがあり、maxilla 1のpenicilが2つより多いという固有派生形質があり、コシビロダンゴムシ科には尾肢外肢のstateが小さいという固有派生形質があると考えると、2つの科はそれぞれ単系統で、系統学者目線で言えばgoodな系統カテゴリと見なせるかもしれない。この議論を元にすると、先ほどの著者らによって生じた唯一の変更はSynarmadillo属とその近縁属をEubelidaeからコシビロダンゴムシ科へ移すことである。
Schmidt, C. (2008). Phylogeny of the terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea): a review. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, 66(2), 191-226.
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